Community Planning

I am happy to report that I completed the community planning course presented by Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Education Institute (PMPEI). The event was sponsored and hosted by the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission (LVPC).
The coolest things I learned from attending the community planning course:
- How little knowledge I possessed of the actual interworking’s of municipal governance.
- How dedicated and hardworking our municipal representatives work to improve our communities.
- Finally, the true power of Joint Municipal Zoning (Article VIII-A). This provision allows municipalities to work together, plan for their future, regulate growth and change in a cooperative manner.
I am happy to report that my township Heidelberg adopted a multi-municipal comprehensive plan for the northern region of Lehigh County the five other joining members are Slatington Borough, Lowhill, Lynn, Washington and Weisenberg Townships.
I would highly recommend this course to municipalities staff or citizens like myself that are simply interested in learning more about how our local Pennsylvania government works.
Other 2018 classes include:
- Zoning Administration – starts October 16
- Subdivision + Land Development Review – starts November 1