Our Business Plans Include:
•In Depth Market Analysis to determine:
□ Market Trends□ Growth Rates
□ Segments
□ Profitability
□ Cost Structure
□ Distribution Channels
□ Success Factors
□ Applications
•Recommendations for Web & Marketing Strategy
•Budget & Cash Flow Analysis
•Metrics to measure success at each stage
Elderberry Consulting’s years of experience in the business intelligence field and access to in-depth consumer research gives us the unique ability to write strong and focused business plans. We begin by taking your vision of the company, its products and services. With our market research capabilities, through our exclusive licensing agreement, we do a thorough market analysis to determine market size, trends, growth rates, segments, profitability, cost structure, distribution channels and success factors and its applications.
From there we set your goals and objectives, create a budget based on your current cash flow, identify additional capital investment that is needed, develop a strategy for you to meet sales goals, and determine when you will start to see a return on your investment.
We utilize our years of developing business intelligence processes to set metrics that will measure your business success through each stage of development and beyond, and put all this information in an organized, well written Business Plan that will be vital in receiving a business loan or obtaining venture capital.